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her HEALTH hub

find the perfect fit for you

Here’s the tea:


You don’t have to go to the gym 6 days a week & feel stuck in your head just to feel worthy and confident.


And that’s exactly why I’ve helped hundreds of everyday women build the foundations for a balanced life (because donuts are non-negotiable) and finally put themselves first. 


So c’mon in! You’re up next in line to finally take back control of your health.


Let’s get you onto the goods...

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Sarah Sutton Fit (12 of 94).jpg

her HEALTH hub was created with YOU in mind, yes YOU…
The everyday woman or girl next door who is looking to finally create a healthy balanced lifestyle with movement, nutrition and mindset… 

Her HEALTH hub is the only program that meets you where you are at, builds your fitness up and challenges you as you progress


Think of it as your one stop shop when it comes to your health journey, where everything is in one place and right at your finger tips 


Whether you’re looking for a full workout, a short and snappy workout, or even some meal inspo her HEALTH hub has you covered! 


her HEALTH hub isn’t a quick fix, it’s a lifestyle that allows you to finally have your cake and eat it too. 


💭 you finally feel quietly confident when it comes to diet AND exercise because you KNOW exactly what to do and what works for you. 


💭 you never skip out on an event again because you now feel banging in ANY outfit you pick from your wardrobe… 

Instead of picking yourself to pieces whenever you catch your reflection.

💭 You have the energy to run around and play with your little ones, instead of sitting on the sidelines feeling embarrassed


💭 You feel a deep sense of trust and relief because you're moving your body and eating with intention and enjoying your journey as a woman that's a healthy relationship with exercise, diet AND finally yourself.


😰 You feel fed up with doing 8 week challenge, after 8 week challenge made up of HIIT styled workouts that think burpees are the answer to anything (they aren't)!


😮‍💨 You’re ready to approach this journey as an actual lifestyle change so you aren’t exhausted every day of the week from working out every day of the week whilst restricting ALL of your favourite foods 


😉 You want the support and guidance from a personal trainer who *actually* get’s it, whilst being a part of a community of like minded women. 



👉🏼 Access to our her HEALTH hub app and community of like minded women 


👉🏼  Video demonstrated full body workouts, mini workouts for when you’re short on time AND a database of stretches for the days you just need a good ol’ stretch 


👉🏼 A database of recipes, meal ideas, nutrition tips & tricks


👉🏼  Monthly Q&A calls and feedback forum where you can ask any questions that you might have, or desire more information on 


EXPECTATIONS ➡️ I don't expect you to be 100%

adherent OR perfect

But I think we can agree that having a plan and adhering to that 70% of the time is FAR more effective to your goals than having NO plan and winging your workouts.


SHORT + SHARP WORKOUTS ➡️ No 90 minute sessions around here, I know you’re time poor and busy. My priority is to get you in and out with simple, low impact & effective AF workouts…

Sorry there aren’t any ‘fancy’ fitspo trends in here!


SUSTAINABLE ➡️ I’m not selling a quick fix, I’m selling a lifestyle that’s an enjoyable journey not restriction or punishment

What You’ll Need:

💪🏼 2x sets of dumbbells (one light set and one heavier set)

💪🏼 Resistance bands 


All the workouts can be done from home or at the gym!

I'm on a mission to help women just like you break free from the grasp of diet culture (with a laugh or two along the way)

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$55 per week


let's do this together
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